Monday 8 October 2012


Today is Thanksgiving Monday here in Canada.  I thought I would take a moment to share just a few things that I am thankful for...

- MY CHILDREN...such amazing people, our boys.  I feel so very lucky that have both of them.  It was a long road to get there...and while we do miss the ones who are not with us, we adore the two that are.  Mama Loves you, boys.

- MY HUSBAND...he's a wonderful Sarah McLachlan says..."you've seen me at my weakest, you take me as I am, and when I fall you offer me a softer place to;re the one true thing I know I can believe" - for all of that, and more, I thank you...this Mama Loves you, hun.

- MY FAMILY...I have a great family, here and afar.  I'm lucky t have great in-laws too!...this Mama Loves all of you.

- MY FRIENDS...I have always been blessed with an amazing group of friends.  Some I have had since preschool, believe it or not!  We have a great core group plus an amazing extended group.  I am so lucky!...this Mama Loves all of you.

- MY HEALTH...Other than the occasional cold, I'm generally a pretty healthy girl.  With all of the testing we endured when trying to grow our family, I did learn that I am really healthy...for that I am thankful

- MY HOME...we are fortunate that we have a beautiful home with a beautiful yard in a beautiful neighbourhood with great neghbours.  I feel very lucky about that!...this Mama Loves her home.

- MY JOB...I have a great job, a great boss, and great co-workers.  The department I work in really is a "team" and we do good things for people.  I am thankful for my job, my co-workers, and it makes me happy that we help people!

What are you thankful for?

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